Mida Assets Public Co.,Ltd.
Since 1997, the company has been selling electrical appliances on hire purchase, with “full and on-site” before- and after-sales services, which include demonstration and trial use of products, financial background check service, 1-day approval of hire purchase loans, delivery service, installment payment, on-site maintenance at client’s location, product warranties throughout the period of installment payment, replacement appliances service during the maintenance and repair. The period of installment payment ranges from 3 to 24 months. We offer a great variety of home appliances, from televisions, DVD players, air conditioners, home theatre sets, home stereos, refrigerators, washing machines, electric fans, etc. from internationally accepted brands. Currently, we have 1 headquarter, 1 central warehouse facility, and multiple branches in 55 provinces, with plans to expand to every province in Thailand to serve customers living outside of provincial municipalities.